Top 5 Myths about Raw Diets

1. Dogs have adapted & live longer with cooked and commercial food diets. False!
2. Raw Meat diets are not balanced. False!
3. Raw Diets are inconvenient and expensive. False!
4. Bacteria in raw meat is dangerous to my dog. False!
5. Bones are dangerous for my dog! False!

Top 5 Myths
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1. Dogs have adapted & live longer with cooked and commercial food diets. False!

Dogs have NOT adapted to a cooked food diet, as evidenced by the millions of pets sitting in the waiting rooms of veterinary clinics with periodontal disease, skin diseases, cancers, organ diseases, diabetes, obesity—diseases that have strong connections to cooked and processed foods.

Dogs are living longer today because of improved social status and advances in medical care. Dogs are valued members of the family. They sleep inside, are cared for, and receive regular medical attention. Dogs used to be left outside to brave the elements, guarding houses and livestock. When they could no longer do the job, they were disposed of. Medical care was not important.

2. Raw Meat diets are not balanced. False!

Raw meat diets that include a variety of bones and organ meat contain the proper nutrients and ARE balanced. Raw foods contain the exact proportions of fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes a dog needs. Your dog has little need for vegetables. Most of the nutrients in vegetables are unavailable to your dog.

Another concept of balance is the idea perpetuated by the pet food companies: “Dogs need complete and balanced nutrition in every meal.” This is nothing but propaganda designed to make people buy into commercial dog food. Do you eat a complete and balanced meal every time you eat? No! You eat a variety of foods over a period of time, without signs of nutritional deficiencies.

3. Raw Diets are inconvenient and expensive. False!

A raw diet will always be more work than pouring kibble into a bowl, but this does not make it inconvenient. Your pets health should be more important. Kibble, while convenient, fills our pets with toxic additives and carbohydrates, creating a myriad of health problems, shortening lifespan and reducing their quality of life.

4. Bacteria in raw meat is dangerous to my dog. False!

If your dog already has a compromised immune system or some underlying problem, they may be affected by bacteria. Healthy dogs have several natural defenses. Their saliva contains lysozyme, an enzyme that lyses and destroys harmful bacteria. Their short digestive tract is designed to push bacteria through quickly without giving it time to establish. Most of the documented cases of severe bacterial septicemia are from kibble-fed animals or animals suffering from reactions to vaccines. Commercial pet foods have been pulled off shelves more than once because of bacteria AND molds that produce a deadly toxin.

5. Bones are dangerous for my dog! False!

Cooked bones ARE quite dangerous. Cooking changes the structure of the bone, making it indigestible and brittle. Raw bones are chewable, are fully digestible and are not dangerous for your animal. Bones are a really important part of a dogs diet, and a major source of calcium and phosphorus required for the maintenance of their skeletons.

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